
  • A+

decode process

What Are the Steps for Decoding?

The steps for decoding an unfamiliar written word are as follows:

        Segment the word into individual letters/groups of letters. Say each sound separately if need be.
        Use phonics knowledge to work out how each of the letters/groups of letters sounds.
        Blend the sounds together to form the word.

Examples of Decoding in Reading

Example 1: Cat

This word can be separated into three letters/letter groups: c-a-t
The sounds associated with each letter are: ‘c’, as in ‘cap’, ‘a’ as in ‘apple’, ‘t’ as in ‘tea'
When we blend those sounds together, we get “cat”.

Example 2: Automatic

This word can be separated into eight letters/letter groups: au-t-o-m-a-t-i-c
The sounds associated with each letter are:
‘au’ as in ‘awful’
‘t’ as in ‘tea’
‘o’ as in ‘own’
‘m’ as in ‘mat’
‘a’ as in ‘apple’
‘t’ as in ‘tea’
‘i’ as in ‘in’
‘c’ as in ‘cap’     When we blend those sounds together, we get “automatic”.

## ai blend words

rain paid
hail sail
gain jail
pain fail
wait tail
laid sprain
rail vain
waist nail
brain drain
train chain
grain snail
Spain mail
paint painter
afraid aim
plain strain

all blend words

all hall
ball fall
small wall
call tall

al blend words

talk walk
chalk stalk

ar blend

arm hard
jar far
farm barn
star sharp
start smart
bar art
card park
tart car
dart ark
mark spark
dark scarf
bark part
harm yard
shark march
tar starting

au blend words

haul haunt
fault launch
Paul haunted
faulty laundry
astronaut pause
author autumn
cause August

ay blend words

day ray
saying hay
clay playful
lay tray
playtime pay
away daytime
may staying
yesterday say
player today
way crayon
play spray
stay sway
pray stray

ee blend words

bee heel
speed see
beef feed
seed jeep

steep need
sheep keep
feet indeed
bleed deep

peep feel
queen creep
greed sleep
street greedy

green cheek
week free
meet cheese

ie blend words

tie pie
lie die

igh blend words

high night
light right
bright sigh
sight tight
midnight lightning
might thigh

ir blend words

bird girl
dirt stir
chirp thirst
first shirt
birth third
fir skirt
twirl swirl
firm thirteen
stirring shirk
sir thirsty
thirty firmly
stirred birthday
flirt smirk

ng blend words

lung song
clang strong
wing swing
cling hang
ring king
ping sing
sung ring
bang rang
ding sang
long dong
hung sting
stung string
spring sling
belong bring
singing fling

nk blend words

bank ink
rink wink
sank plonk
sink link
drink pink
blank frank
honk clunk
sunk bunk
spank drank
blink junk
tank stink
think ankle
plank shrunk
shrink trunk
sprinkler drinks

ea blend words

eat leaf
peach meat
east seat
read beak
teach tea
heat steam
sea peas
leak beach
stream team
each mean
leap beat
clean cheap
heap cream
weak peanut
reach steal

er blend words

her sister
herb herd
fern mister
sharper spender
blister blender
silver litter
pepper serve
letter slipper
better winter
never number
perm butter
perch bitter
fatter supper
hotter summer
river stern

Short oo words

good wood
foot stood
hood shook
book took
look cook
hook brook

Long oo words

food moon
zoo shoot
spoon loop
root soon
boot hoop
roof noon
smooth hoot

oa blend words

boat goat
load soap
road loaf
toast throat
float groan
moan oak
coach coal
goal cloak
foal roast
croak stoat
soak coast
poach roam
oats foam
toad coat
boats coats

oi blend words

oil boil
moist soil
join foil
joint point
spoil coin
coil ointment
spoiled noise
pointing toilet
noise boiler
noisy noisier
voice boiling
pointed joined

or blend words

or for
torch sort
torn horn
sport storm
short morning
pork form
north port
worn cork
fork lord
corn afford
forty story
horse stormy
more cord
porch scorch
snort fort

ou blend words

out loud
proud found
shout mouth
round pound
flour sound
cloud count
spout south
stout scout
crouch our
sour hound
pouch trout
ground sprout
house mouse
blouse about
amount couch

Long ow blend words

low slow
snow own
blow show
grow throw
window flow
crow glow
mow yellow
borrow pillow
shadow slowest
blowing owner
elbow follow
narrow marrow
bowl arrow
fellow lowest

Short ow blend words

owl brow
how now
down town
sow brown
drown gown
cow fowl
scowl crown
flower allow
clown frowning
powder frown
growl prowl
howl shower

vowel towel
tower trowel

oy blend words

boy toy
joy enjoy
employ annoy
boyish joyful
enjoying Roy
royal destroy

qu blend words

quad quick
queen quilt
liquid quite
quit quack
quiet quiz
quest quill

sh blend words



Voiced th blend words

this then
slither that
them gather
with father

Unvoiced th blend words

thin three
cloth moth
thick thimble
tenth think
throb pith
thorn broth
thunder thrill
thing thrust

ch blend words

chin finch
chest chip
chill check
rich such
champ chop
chip hunch
chat munch
chess much
chicken crunch
punch pinch
children bench
chimp chunk
bunch trench
chug lunch
chuff drench

i - e words

ride hide
nine ripe
life five
line prize
shine smile
pipe mile
drive pile
live time
quite dive
wipe slide
like bike
hive wide
fire wire
mine tide
white wife

a – e words

ate cake
bake game
hate date
lane safe
lake gate
rake pale
save tale
late gave
plate make
made snake
same name
wave cave
grape came
brave flame
plane shave

o - e words

bone home
rope hope
hose rose
nose stone

vote drove
coke joke
mole pole
woke smoke
slope globe
cone doze
choke stroke
those broke
close lone
lonely spoke
alone poke


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: